
Saturday July 21st

Got back to Lloydminster with my turnpikes from Edmonton, dropped them in the yard and hooked an empty for Stoon. After grabbing some coffee from the Greyhound terminal and having a quick chat with Bob (one of the Saskatoon overlength drivers) I headed back the 170 miles to Stoon. Was watching an electrical storm ahead of me most of the way back until I got around 30 from Stoon when I ran into it. There was lightening coming down all around and, while very pretty, it was also a little un-nerving at times. I could have sworn the thunder was coming before the lightening and the wind got a bit naughty to say the least, but we got back to Stoon safe around 5am and dropped the trailer at the terminal. Up to the Flying 'j' to do some laundry and have a nap. Up again, got my hair cut, bought some new work jeans and a new camera, washed me truck and updated this here blog. Off to Edmonton tomorrow I think. We'll see.

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