
Sunday July 15th
Rented a car and drove down to the US border at Portal to extend my work permit. It's around 300 miles each way from Saskatoon. Just what I need on my day off, a 600 mile drive. Ah well, got to be done. Got down to Portal around 3pm and went in to see the Canadian immigration lady. Apparently, you can only extend your work permit if you're seeking entry into the country, so I'd have to drive over the border into the states, turn around and cross back again. OK, no problem. Over the border into North Dakota, car searched and back to the Canadian side of the line. "How long have you been in the USA?" the lady asks. "Umm, 5 minutes", I reply. It got a funny look, but after I explained what I was doing, all was OK. Back into the immigration lady and an hour later, I have a new 12 month work permit. Cool. Now just a matter of the 300 mile drive back to Stoon.

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