Saturday September 1st - Sunday September 2nd
After my Friday night Edmonton run, I hooked the Saskatoon LTL (Less than Truck Load) trailer and ran it into Stoon. Last day done for a while. Packed my gear up out of the truck, gave half my stuff to Marvelous Melvin Bird, who's gonna store it in his garage for me for a while and when Ash arrived, threw the rest in her car and headed off to Wyoming for a few weeks. Got to Cheyenne (900 miles from Saskatoon) Sunday afternoon and had a beer. Lovely.
Hi Koog, enjoy your few days off. Your blog was the inspiration behind mine, hope you dont mind. I have been following your travels for a few month now and now I live in Canada and pass Stoon regularly maybe we could catch up some time.
Yoy can check my blog here http://thecaldwellsincanada.blogspot.com/
Take it easy, Dave.
How you goin' mate ! This is Grant in Australia (you know the land down under !!)
Have been over to Saskatoon in October 06 had interview, was successful yadda yadda
Looking to come over in 08, have a few questions, would rather clarify these with another driver, would you mind forwarding me an email address.
Just incase our email address doesn't come through on this comment it is grant_leighburr@optusnet.com.au
Enjoy reading your blog !
Talk soon,
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