I know. I've been neglecting my blog again.
Not much has changed here recently. The snow has finally gone (I hope) and it looks like we're heading for summer at 6000 feet in Cheyenne.
I'm still hauling fuel back from Denver/Aurora twice a day/night and Ash is still working in the store in South Cheyenne. Christopher's still cheeky. Kiko still leaves her fur everywhere. Tilly still has dual personalities and Squeekers thinks it's perfectly ok to wake us up at 3am so he can come in.
Ash has now got a shotgun to go with her .22 rifle. It's a Mossberg Maverick 88 pump action 12 gauge, for anyone who's interested in that kind of thing. It's really just for home defence as she doesn't like my Springfield XDM .40 handgun.
We're still planning to move to Florida later this year. It's just a matter of waiting for a job to come open down there with the company I work for here. I'm looking forward to living near the sea again. Might even get us a boat in the future so Ash can do some sea fishing and I can get drunk in the sunshine.
We went to see Rodney Carrington last night in Cheyenne with Ash's Mom & Dad. Had a great time. He's a funny man.
The pic is the Jupiter inlet, near where we're going to live in Florida.
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